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 · 3,082 ratings  · 392 reviews
Start your review of Gujarat Files: Anatomy of a Cover Up
5 stars for the journalistic courage on display. 1 star for the atrocious, typo-ridden, grammatically awkward writing that made my eyes bleed. Next time Rana, please just hire a better editor or, better still, a ghost writer.

But to simply criticize the quality of the writing would be to sidestep the real issue which is the truth of what happened in Gujarat at the time of the riots and how the state machinery bent to the will of those in positions of power to orchestrate possibly the most barbari

5 stars for the journalistic courage on display. 1 star for the atrocious, typo-ridden, grammatically awkward writing that made my eyes bleed. Next time Rana, please just hire a better editor or, better still, a ghost writer.

But to simply criticize the quality of the writing would be to sidestep the real issue which is the truth of what happened in Gujarat at the time of the riots and how the state machinery bent to the will of those in positions of power to orchestrate possibly the most barbaric instance of carnage in post-liberalization India. So yes, this is a must read for those of us suffering from amnesia after the 2014 general elections.

Alok Mishra
Aug 07, 2020 rated it did not like it
The book is hilarious! I mean it. An undercover operation has been painted in all its glories but the 'author' hasn't offered even a single cognisable or verifiable piece of evidence for her 'operation' and it was so 'brave' that her sponsors denied publishing it – the same organisation whose founder was jailed (and it still shamed) because of a harassment case. Tejpal, you all know. So much blah blah and no substance. An alternate version of Shashi Tharoor if you are low on budget. Enjoy!


The book is hilarious! I mean it. An undercover operation has been painted in all its glories but the 'author' hasn't offered even a single cognisable or verifiable piece of evidence for her 'operation' and it was so 'brave' that her sponsors denied publishing it – the same organisation whose founder was jailed (and it still shamed) because of a harassment case. Tejpal, you all know. So much blah blah and no substance. An alternate version of Shashi Tharoor if you are low on budget. Enjoy!

Added out of sympathy: It's not even a timepass fiction if you think so!

Nandakishore Mridula
As a species, we are a forgetful lot. Nowhere is this more prevalent than in the political arena. So yesterday's persona non grata becomes today's messiah.

This is what happened with Narendra Modi, the current Prime Minister of India.

In 2002, Gujarat in India was witness to one of the worst episodes of ethnic cleansing in modern history - when crazed mobs of the Vishwa Hindu Parishad went on a spree across the state, slaughtering Muslims at will. The ostensible reason for the carnage was the bur

As a species, we are a forgetful lot. Nowhere is this more prevalent than in the political arena. So yesterday's persona non grata becomes today's messiah.

This is what happened with Narendra Modi, the current Prime Minister of India.

In 2002, Gujarat in India was witness to one of the worst episodes of ethnic cleansing in modern history - when crazed mobs of the Vishwa Hindu Parishad went on a spree across the state, slaughtering Muslims at will. The ostensible reason for the carnage was the burning of a train containing Hindu activists by Muslims: but the consensus among liberal Indians is that these riots were carefully planned and orchestrated.

Narendra Modi was Chief Minister of Gujarat at the time. At the time, he was thought to be complicit or at least to have committed the sin of omission of turning a blind eye. However, no investigation could uncover anything directly linking Modi to the carnage. Ultimately, some small fry were arrested and convicted. The man who was seen as a butcher had a makeover as a development messiah, and ultimately climbed on to the throne at Indraprastha.


Rana Ayyub, a journalist at the investigative journal Tehelka, went undercover in 2010 as Maithili Tyagi to interview various police officers and politicians in Gujarat to uncover the truth behind the riots and the false "encounter" killings in which Muslims were victimised as terrorists. In the guise of an Indo-American out to make a film on the state, she managed many sting operations in which two things were crystal clear: police machinery in the state was totally compromised to carry out the vendetta of Modi and his erstwhile Home Minister Amit Shah, and all those who opposed the powers that be were victimised or eliminated outright (ironically, this happened also to Tehelka). However, at the most crucial point of the investigation, when Rana had secured interviews with Modi, the journal called of the whole thing with the flimsy excuse that he was becoming "extremely powerful" and cautioned Rana to silence.

She is breaking that silence now.


While I salute Rana's courage in going into the lion's den, this book is so badly written and edited that I was within an inch of throwing it against the wall many a time. Also, her sting operation has lost its "sting" as most of the news is old hat. The BJP and RSS have succeeded in polarising the country on religious lines to such an extent that most people don't care about Modi's dubious past: his supporters will sing paeans in his praise exactly because he showed courage in standing up to the "Muslim terrorists". Frightening, but there it is.

Three stars for a courageous effort, however.

Harsh Tiwari
Jul 08, 2020 rated it did not like it
'I have the evidence. Please read my book.' Said a journalist.
'Why don't you go to court with your evidence and get the culprits nabbed.' Asked the reader.
'No, I cannot fool the judges or advocates. I can only fool my readers.' Came the honest reply.

Waste of time. It seems like her Twitter rants, without any merit.

'I have the evidence. Please read my book.' Said a journalist.
'Why don't you go to court with your evidence and get the culprits nabbed.' Asked the reader.
'No, I cannot fool the judges or advocates. I can only fool my readers.' Came the honest reply.

Waste of time. It seems like her Twitter rants, without any merit.

Rana Ayyub's journey through the corridors of power when the infamous 2002 riots happened is an intriguing one. Having read few exposes by the same journalist, it does not come as a surprise. Her effort to uncover the truth is laudable. This may not be the best book when it comes to an analysis, but her journey through the living rooms and dining rooms of the officers which helped the State achieve its goals is worth a read. A strange sense of fear creeps in when you read this knowing that the p Rana Ayyub's journey through the corridors of power when the infamous 2002 riots happened is an intriguing one. Having read few exposes by the same journalist, it does not come as a surprise. Her effort to uncover the truth is laudable. This may not be the best book when it comes to an analysis, but her journey through the living rooms and dining rooms of the officers which helped the State achieve its goals is worth a read. A strange sense of fear creeps in when you read this knowing that the people implicated here are the most powerful in the country now. As long as facts vanish into thin air, the saga of fact finding will unearth stories like this. ...more
Ravi Gupta
Jul 13, 2020 rated it did not like it
Read the last chapter first and you will understand everything in black and white. It's pure propaganda without an iota of fact! Coward author. Read the last chapter first and you will understand everything in black and white. It's pure propaganda without an iota of fact! Coward author. ...more
Abha Grover
Jul 12, 2020 rated it did not like it
Unfortunately, I read this book. However, at the end of this book, the author has hopelessly given it away... please don't waste your time! Unfortunately, I read this book. However, at the end of this book, the author has hopelessly given it away... please don't waste your time! ...more
Aug 01, 2019 rated it did not like it
Just another propaganda book by sellout journalist Rana Ayyub. Here she says she have evidences, proofs and sting footages. And she tries to portray herself as genius who tries to find the genuine truth. This book was published in 2016 and I am sure she found all evidences before 2014 . Why doesn't she go to court before 2014 and even now why doesn't she appealed to the court. No Rana Ayyub will not go to court because she doesn't have any proof. This book was written for her agenda. No doubt ev Just another propaganda book by sellout journalist Rana Ayyub. Here she says she have evidences, proofs and sting footages. And she tries to portray herself as genius who tries to find the genuine truth. This book was published in 2016 and I am sure she found all evidences before 2014 . Why doesn't she go to court before 2014 and even now why doesn't she appealed to the court. No Rana Ayyub will not go to court because she doesn't have any proof. This book was written for her agenda. No doubt even her news agency Tehelka didn't publish this investigation. An investigation should always be unbiased instead of showing bigotry and Hinduphobic.

Even in first week of July 2019 Supreme court said Gujarat Lies: A collection Rana Ayyub's personal vendetta and they say it is based upon surmises, conjectures, and suppositions. The opinion of a person is not in the realm of the evidence. Even opposition parties are not supporting her because they also know she wrote propaganda book.

It's a disgusting book by sellout journalist. This is why I am not surprised why we have stopped trusting these news channels, websites and journalists. This book was anti-Hindu and agenda driven book.

Ravi Upadhyay
Jul 14, 2020 rated it did not like it
The book is a botched attempt at writing a piece with highly malicious propaganda. It does not make any sense because the author does not have any proof for her claims.
Santhosh Thottingal
Fear - That would be the single word I can use to describe my feeling after reading the book. My belief in Indian judicial and paraliamentary system is not a firm one. This book shakes it badly. I am nobody to judge the facts revealed in the book, but what make me afraid is there is very less chance that these facts are verified by the current Indian political and legal system.

Lot of respect for the author and her courage for this work.

Book'd Hitu
Jun 15, 2016 rated it did not like it
One of the most idiotic book I have read till date.

Rana Ayyub portrays herself as a superwoman for whom all the top leaders and cop chiefs of Gujarat are waiting to reveal their secrets with a red carpet welcome.

I wasted my time and money on this book.

Deepak Chaudhari
The author has not offered a single evidence for her claims. This is a fiction presented as non-fiction and a fabricated account.
Gaurav Sharma
Jul 19, 2020 rated it did not like it
The book is a farce. The author has gone to the nth floor crying foul play but she hasn't given a single piece of evidence. How could she do so? In the end, she craftily says that her evidence was seized by her employer. What a comic fall! The book is a farce. The author has gone to the nth floor crying foul play but she hasn't given a single piece of evidence. How could she do so? In the end, she craftily says that her evidence was seized by her employer. What a comic fall! ...more
Farzana Raisa
সাংবাদিকদের নাকি সাংঘাতিক বলা হয়। খবরের জন্য নিরীহ মুখ করে যায়। এরপর কি কি হয় কে জানে :3 দেখা যায় কেঁচো খুঁড়তে বেড়িয়ে এসেছে সাপ। মাঝেমাঝে অবশ্য সাপ নয়, সাংবাদিকদের স্টিং অপারেশন কিংবা তদন্তের ফলে কেঁচোর পরিবর্তে বের হয়ে আসে আস্ত ড্রাগন কিংবা ডায়নোসর 🐸

২০০২ সাল, গুজরাত। হিন্দু-মুসলিম বিবাদ, হাতাহাতি, মারামারি অত:পর দাঙ্গা। ভয়ংকর সে দাঙ্গায় প্রাণ হারায় অসংখ্য মানুষ। অন্যান্য ক্ষয়ক্ষতি তো আছেই! ঘটনার সময় গুজরাতের মুখ্যমন্ত্রী ছিলেন মোদী। নেগেটিভ মার্কেটিঙের মতোই নেগেটিভ ঘটনার দায়ে বি

সাংবাদিকদের নাকি সাংঘাতিক বলা হয়। খবরের জন্য নিরীহ মুখ করে যায়। এরপর কি কি হয় কে জানে :3 দেখা যায় কেঁচো খুঁড়তে বেড়িয়ে এসেছে সাপ। মাঝেমাঝে অবশ্য সাপ নয়, সাংবাদিকদের স্টিং অপারেশন কিংবা তদন্তের ফলে কেঁচোর পরিবর্তে বের হয়ে আসে আস্ত ড্রাগন কিংবা ডায়নোসর 🐸

২০০২ সাল, গুজরাত। হিন্দু-মুসলিম বিবাদ, হাতাহাতি, মারামারি অত:পর দাঙ্গা। ভয়ংকর সে দাঙ্গায় প্রাণ হারায় অসংখ্য মানুষ। অন্যান্য ক্ষয়ক্ষতি তো আছেই! ঘটনার সময় গুজরাতের মুখ্যমন্ত্রী ছিলেন মোদী। নেগেটিভ মার্কেটিঙের মতোই নেগেটিভ ঘটনার দায়ে বিশ্ব রাজনীতির আলোচনায় আসেন মোদী। এছাড়া দাঙ্গা বাদেও নানান ঘটনায় গুজরাত ছিল আলোচনার কেন্দ্রবিন্দুতে। বিচারবহির্ভূত হত্যাকান্ড, অদক্ষ প্রশাসন, আইনের শাসনের চরম অব্যবস্থাপনা ইত্যাদি ইত্যাদি কারণে।

তেহেলকা পত্রিকার সাংবাদিক রাণা আইয়্যুব। সাংবাদিকদের কেন সাংঘাতিক বলা হয় তিনি তার উজ্জ্বল প্রমাণ। দাঙ্গা অধ্যুষিত, বিচারবহির্ভূত হত্যাকান্ডের সুবর্ণভূমি গুজরাতে গেলেন খবরের খাতিরে। একে তো মুসলিম তার উপর তিনি একজন নারী। ছদ্মবেশে প্রাণ হাতে করে স্টিং অপারেশন চালিয়ে উদ্ধার করেন সত্যকে। যে সত্যের আড়ালে লুকিয়ে আছে অনেক স্বার্থ আর ভোটের রাজনীতি। রাণা আইয়্যুবের লেখা গুজরাট ফাইলস এক ভয়ংকর অন্তর্তদন্তের সাক্ষী।

Hiran Venugopalan
After a long time I completed a book in one stretch. The language is simple, like a reportage with mind blowing content, content and facts that literally ignites fear in you. (Similar to what you feel after watch Marathi movie 'Court'). The book lacks citation at times. But it is one of the finest reportage of recent times. After a long time I completed a book in one stretch. The language is simple, like a reportage with mind blowing content, content and facts that literally ignites fear in you. (Similar to what you feel after watch Marathi movie 'Court'). The book lacks citation at times. But it is one of the finest reportage of recent times. ...more
Nitish Sharma
Jul 29, 2020 rated it did not like it
Don't read it! If you accidentally buy it, just bin it asap or recycle so that the paper can be put to some valid use. Don't read it! If you accidentally buy it, just bin it asap or recycle so that the paper can be put to some valid use. ...more
Rajbir Bhattacharjee
Just finished reading Rana Ayyub's book. An intense, fast paced read. This book made me sensitive to a lot of things I had never thought about earlier:
- The risks journalists take in uncovering the truth
- The moral dilemmas honest or semi-honest policeman face, and the moral compromises they have to make
- The complete lawlessness in the state of Gujarat where anybody could be bumped off - criminals, politicians, businessmen - with orders coming from the highest echelons
- The complete disregard o
Just finished reading Rana Ayyub's book. An intense, fast paced read. This book made me sensitive to a lot of things I had never thought about earlier:
- The risks journalists take in uncovering the truth
- The moral dilemmas honest or semi-honest policeman face, and the moral compromises they have to make
- The complete lawlessness in the state of Gujarat where anybody could be bumped off - criminals, politicians, businessmen - with orders coming from the highest echelons
- The complete disregard of the law by those who were meant to protect it
- The the support for disregard of the constitution and humanistic values by the larger section of the population of the state

On the flip side, some of the formatting was shoddy, and the proofreading could have been a lot better. A dramatis personae would have gone a long way in making this an easier read.

Jun 14, 2016 rated it it was amazing
If even a tiny bit of Rana Ayyub's account is true, it is a scary world we live in right now. I did not doubt for a moment when Modi became PM that India had entered a phase of Fascism and religious sycophancy. To now read this book only reaffirms everything I fear about an all-powerful demagogue.

I liked the narrative style of the book. The author intersperses every chapter on different characters with QandA's from her sting operation. So it is really up to the reader to draw conclusions about w

If even a tiny bit of Rana Ayyub's account is true, it is a scary world we live in right now. I did not doubt for a moment when Modi became PM that India had entered a phase of Fascism and religious sycophancy. To now read this book only reaffirms everything I fear about an all-powerful demagogue.

I liked the narrative style of the book. The author intersperses every chapter on different characters with QandA's from her sting operation. So it is really up to the reader to draw conclusions about words left unsaid by the people the author was talking to.
The story that unravels is chilling and while it unravels the reader can only try to understand the courage it took for this story to be told. For a 26-yearold Muslim female journalist to carry out a sting operation on people who incited and/or played a tacit role in the 2002 anti-muslim riots in Gujarat is not just brave but heroic.

As B N Srikrishna (Retired Supreme Court Judge) writes in the Foreword: While one may not be in a position to validate all that is narrated in this book, one cannot but admire the courage and passion displayed by the author in her attempts to unmask what she believes to be the truth.

May 26, 2016 rated it it was amazing
It was an interesting read.

Every liberal, non-bhakt person knows that Modi played an important role in the 2002 riots and Amit Shah was a key figure in the fake encounter cases. This book just built on the fact. The investigation done and the accounts gathered have been presented in a manner for the world to see and acknowledge.

I just hope it spans further than just that, a mere statement made in a book to see and read and that justice does see the light of day.

Apr 30, 2017 rated it liked it
Kudos to her James Bond spy style undercover journalism. But the conversations between her and the policepersons sound too much prejudiced. I felt like if I was reading what she wanted us to read and believe. She isn't even publishing her so called sting footages so we don't even know if its authentic. Overall she approached the situation and started investigation after having formed a pre conceived notion. An investigation should always be unbiased but here the investigation was done purely on Kudos to her James Bond spy style undercover journalism. But the conversations between her and the policepersons sound too much prejudiced. I felt like if I was reading what she wanted us to read and believe. She isn't even publishing her so called sting footages so we don't even know if its authentic. Overall she approached the situation and started investigation after having formed a pre conceived notion. An investigation should always be unbiased but here the investigation was done purely on prejudice and bigotry. No wonder Tehelka didn't publish it. ...more
May 26, 2016 rated it it was amazing
Read Gujarat Files by Rana Ayyub in one sitting. A more thrilling potboiler than Oscar winning 'Spotlight'. The reader is caught in the undercover journalistic quest of a 26 yr old girl against the most powerful men of a state; till one realises its the reality of India and real humans were killed and you could be having dinner with the suave educated (even personally kind) killers someday. Sent shivers up my spine. Ayyub writes simply, in short sentences, without using any journalistic jargon o Read Gujarat Files by Rana Ayyub in one sitting. A more thrilling potboiler than Oscar winning 'Spotlight'. The reader is caught in the undercover journalistic quest of a 26 yr old girl against the most powerful men of a state; till one realises its the reality of India and real humans were killed and you could be having dinner with the suave educated (even personally kind) killers someday. Sent shivers up my spine. Ayyub writes simply, in short sentences, without using any journalistic jargon or showing off her linguistic skills..but from the heart, even sympathetically. Unfortunately she remains a journalist and the end becomes little wishy-washy. but a terrifying MUST READ for all Indians who want to know political-bureaucracy-police nexus in India.

PS: many online are saying it as a work of fiction, in which case ayyub who has taken on the most powerful politicians, bureaucrats, policemen in india today, with their names and positions, would've been sued for billions. That she's not is a testimony to the truth.

Anil Swarup
Jan 15, 2021 rated it it was amazing
It is very rare that you fall short of words to describe a book. This is one such book. What it tells is truly amazing and what it coveys is mind-boggling. The style is unique and riveting but the content leaves you in no doubt about the machinations of governance. Some of the revelations leave you dumbfounded. Having served in the government for 38 years, it is difficult to believe that administration could be subverted to an extent it was. What was also appalling was the helplessness of senior It is very rare that you fall short of words to describe a book. This is one such book. What it tells is truly amazing and what it coveys is mind-boggling. The style is unique and riveting but the content leaves you in no doubt about the machinations of governance. Some of the revelations leave you dumbfounded. Having served in the government for 38 years, it is difficult to believe that administration could be subverted to an extent it was. What was also appalling was the helplessness of senior officers who were presented with difficult choices.
The book is a must read for all civil servants, specially those in the police. It will perhaps make them realize that politicians have their agenda, they won't stand by you and if found inconvenient, they would dump you at the first possible opportunity. So, if you want to align with them, do at your own risk
Jan 16, 2020 rated it did not like it
I have lived through the riots and even driven on the highways during the period. I was in Ahmedabad at that time. So I know a little about the first hand experience. So I was intrigued and wanted to check this book though I doubted the veracity of the author.
This book is not only badly written - which is inexcusable but the arguments put forward are hilarious. There is no proof or even logic to the turn of events. Its sensationalism and trying to feed off the insecurities of the minorities in
I have lived through the riots and even driven on the highways during the period. I was in Ahmedabad at that time. So I know a little about the first hand experience. So I was intrigued and wanted to check this book though I doubted the veracity of the author.
This book is not only badly written - which is inexcusable but the arguments put forward are hilarious. There is no proof or even logic to the turn of events. Its sensationalism and trying to feed off the insecurities of the minorities in India and sling mud - as that what gets you attention.
I am surprised it hasnt been banned or the government and police have not filed a case on the author. I would rate it low even as fiction as the writing is bad and disjointed.
Apr 03, 2020 rated it did not like it
A cheap attempt to get attention, well a failure one. Only serve for propaganda, far from reality. She did not have any evidence of what she is saying. Why somebody is not going to court when she have the courage to write this made up story. It's better to read books from other authors or just read real facts that it was a consequence of burning a train. A cheap attempt to get attention, well a failure one. Only serve for propaganda, far from reality. She did not have any evidence of what she is saying. Why somebody is not going to court when she have the courage to write this made up story. It's better to read books from other authors or just read real facts that it was a consequence of burning a train. ...more
Nirwa Mehta
May 28, 2016 rated it did not like it
this book is nothing but a collection of personal vendetta against Narendra Modi and Amit Shah. Had no substance, no logical conclusion. Waste of time and money. Not worth the hype.
Jyotirmoy Gupta
The story was supposed to be interesting but it is written and edited badly. A substantial part of the book feels like reading a Whatsapp chat.
Ganesh Sanal
Jan 06, 2017 rated it it was ok
Recommended to Ganesh by: Achu B
Disclosure: I am a Modi Bakth, at present. This doesn't mean I support his past or will continue to do so in the future. He is a mastermind politician who can be anyone that we ask him to be and now, we are asking from him the right thing. In a nation made by Gandhi and unmade by the Gandhis, he may not be the hero that we deserve, but the one that we need right now.

Being butthurt is NOT the reason why I dislike this book. In fact, that's exactly what I wanted from this: a view from the other si

Disclosure: I am a Modi Bakth, at present. This doesn't mean I support his past or will continue to do so in the future. He is a mastermind politician who can be anyone that we ask him to be and now, we are asking from him the right thing. In a nation made by Gandhi and unmade by the Gandhis, he may not be the hero that we deserve, but the one that we need right now.

Being butthurt is NOT the reason why I dislike this book. In fact, that's exactly what I wanted from this: a view from the other side. To be frank, I got a fair look at the people who stood against and those who were behind the injustice in Gujarat starting from the 2002 riots. Their motivations and the workings of a screwed up system was reasonably explained. Above all, her courage to tread through the aisles of the devils demanded a salute. But the take aways end there.

The writing was unbelievably bad. I would've given this 3 stars if the book was in Hindi. Despite being a well known journalist, her grammar was worse than a local tourist guide. I had to make sure that I got the original copy as I couldn't believe that anyone would dare to invest in publishing such shitty writing. The author is so uncomfortable with the English language that she had no way but to quote some dialogues in Hindi itself.

The structure, too, fails to deliver. There are too many characters and too little to keep track of them. There is a Pandya, a Bhattia, a Pande, a Singhal, a Kodnani, a Zadaphia, a Jhori and a long list of funny names that mean nothing to me after reading this book. Rana meets a person with a funny name -> on the next meeting she wears her 'special kurta with a camera' and gets every knowledge that she wants -> The funny-name-guy takes the initiative to introduce her to the next funny-name-guy and the loop goes over and over and over.

Rana should understand that a reader is the author's responsibility and unless you put some sort of filter like a native language, you owe an explanation to everyone of them. A north Indian journalist or historian who actively pursues the topics discussed in this book could get something from this work and for all the rest of us, this is just bullshit.

Sulaiman Taji
A pretty controversial book when it came out.

The book is about one long sting operation that occurred somewhere between 2010-11. The writer had adapted the alter-ego of a person named Maithili Tyagi and went about talking to politicians and high level bureaucrats in the state of Gujarat who were involved in the 2002 riots and the infamous fake encounter cases.

The book is explosive in the sense that the higher level people involved have casually accepted a lot of the wrongdoings that took place

A pretty controversial book when it came out.

The book is about one long sting operation that occurred somewhere between 2010-11. The writer had adapted the alter-ego of a person named Maithili Tyagi and went about talking to politicians and high level bureaucrats in the state of Gujarat who were involved in the 2002 riots and the infamous fake encounter cases.

The book is explosive in the sense that the higher level people involved have casually accepted a lot of the wrongdoings that took place during the riots and fake encounters. But it also breaks the trust in the sense that all these discussions were supposed to be off-the-record. Apart from this, the points are repetitive to quite an extent. If anything, the author has described how she went through the whole ordeal of concealing her original identity and adopting a whole new persona, which at times seemed surreal.

On a side note, the book is riddled with typos. It certainly needed proofreading. The book could have used a lot of editing. It also ends almost abruptly. Nevertheless, the self-publishing aspect has to do with the downsides here. There is a lot that was desired.

Wish it was worked upon a little more before it came out, but nevertheless, it has. Hope the next venture or even the next edition is taken care of in a better manner.

Arush Ul islam
Total uncover of truth of BJP govt. and RSS.

The way they treated Muslims is ridiculous, and the reasons they gave for the fake encounter like Ishwar Jahan case and sohrabuddin case are ridiculous too.

Hats off to Ms. Rana Ayyub!!

Rana Ayyub is an Indian journalist and opinion columnist with The Washington Post. She is the author of the investigative book Gujarat Files: Anatomy of a Cover Up. Her father, Mohammad Ayyub Waqif, was a writer with Blitz, a Mumbai-based magazine, and an important member of the progressive writers movement. The city witnessed riots in 1992–93, during which time the family moved to the Muslim-domi Rana Ayyub is an Indian journalist and opinion columnist with The Washington Post. She is the author of the investigative book Gujarat Files: Anatomy of a Cover Up. Her father, Mohammad Ayyub Waqif, was a writer with Blitz, a Mumbai-based magazine, and an important member of the progressive writers movement. The city witnessed riots in 1992–93, during which time the family moved to the Muslim-dominant suburb of Deonar, which is where Rana largely grew up. Ayyub is a practicing Muslim.

Rana's worked for Tehelka, a Delhi-based investigative and political news magazine. Rana has previously been critical of the BJP in general and Narendra Modi. At Tehelka, Rana worked as an investigative journalist and her big assignment was to carry out the sting operation upon which her book Gujarat Files was based. She now works independently. In September 2019, Washington Post hired her as its contributing writer to the Global Opinions section.


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